Having grown up steeped in the rich cultural milieu of New Orleans, Louisiana, I've dedicated over four decades of my life to exploring indigenous healing traditions both personally and academically. My passion continues to be the preservation of the folkways of my culture of origin, and to the documentation of African, Black, and indigenous resistance fighters, and the study of quality of life in Native American populations.
​My journey as a tradition keeper and healer began when I was five years old on a Mississippi bayou where my aunt introduced me to the mysteries of Spiritualism. In addition, my Catholic Creole culture of origin informs my work. To be Creole in New Orleans means our blood derives from Spanish, French, Indigenous, and African ancestry, or some admixture within, and with that comes the traditions of our ancestors. From their rich mélange of food, music, culture, and religions, we can find healing modalities and magickal works designed for empowered, resilient, and resourceful living. My goal has been to bring these forms of healing and empowerment to others for the benefit of our planetary family.
I am a proud member of the American Anthropological Association, the Association of Indigenous Anthropologists, and the Association of Latina/o & Latinx Anthropologists. After serving on the editorial board for the Journal for Social and Behavioral Sciences, I brought those academic skills and experience to Hoodoo & Conjure Quarterly, The Journal of American Rootwork, Gumbo Ya Ya, and the Hoodoo Almanacs. My journey has led me to pen over twenty books, including "Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits and Hoodoo Saints," "The Magic of Marie Laveau," and my latest work, "The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire."
Having been nurtured by my parents as an artist since birth, my ritual art has graced television screens in shows like National Geographic's Taboo, the Originals, and Blue Bloods. My work, whether in art or writing, echoes my roles as a rootworker, tradition-keeper, spiritual artisan, and guardian of the sacred wisdom of Southern folk magick and folkways.